
Monday 7 April 2014


I was having a coffee with Karol after class last Monday and she said to me Ramsha let's go somewhere this weekend and I said where? She said Zaragoza. So then we texted Aga to see what she's upto on the weekend and decided we'd meet on Tuesday to discuss. We met but didn't really plan anything. Nothing happened on Wednesday and then Thursday came, that is when we realised that if we want to go we will need to decide now. 7pm Thursday is when we decided for sure that we are going and booked the Bla Bla car at 9pm for 7am the next morning -_-

However, I have to say that I had the time of my life over this weekend. It was amazing! The city was pretty within itself but I think the company is what made it so great! The three days were all unplanned - we literally just walked around and just did whatever we felt like at the time. I guess we were feeling very adventurous. Our hostel was bang in the middle of the city centre which was literally perfect.

It was like a 2 minute walk to the Basilica Square area and Cathedral so we saw that. We also walked all the way to see the castle and just chilled on the grass for a bit. Then we walked by the river and saw the cutest thing ever - a flock of baby ducks following mummy duck; they even jumped from the bridge into the water! :D I get excited over tiny things, I know, but whatever .. It was just like they show in Tom & Jerry :)

We also went all the way across the river to the other side of Zaragoza where we found a more modern side of the city: it seemed to be some sort of park - I can't really explain and I don't remember the name of the place. We managed to find great food for the three days too!

Overall, it was an awesome weekend. Although it was very spontaneous (which is very unlike me), I still loved it and I think that is what made it so great!

On another point, I have finally actually started working out and eating healthy. This whole week I either went running or to the gym and ate mostly healthy food. I have my weekends off though :D However, all that walking around in Zaragoza should definitely count for something ;)

Madrid next weekend - very excited!

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