
Saturday, 24 August 2013

The Final Countdown

There's five more days to go. ONLY five. 

Before applying for the year abroad I don't think I realised all the things I would have to do before flying off to Canada. I thought I would just book my flight and head off; call me stupid but I think that was just the initial excitement of it all.

So I've sorted out my accommodation and visa, and that's about it.

I have no where near finished packing; just got a pile of clothes inside a suitcase. I think I'm going through that phase where I NEARLY don't want to go because I'm too nervous maybe? I don't know. But for those who know me, know that "being nervous" is a bit unusual coming from me.

I have had to sort out SO many things during these summer vacations and I can't believe how fast these last few months have gone. Budgeting, language, documents etc. etc. etc.  All the things you DON'T properly consider when applying. Then it hits you and you start realising "oh wait, I've got all this this and this to do before going."

I guess from all this planning and prepping you can only learn - but this isn't even the beginning yet ..

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