I have to admit the Holi Run was not as good as the Madrid one - it was much smaller. However, I still had great fun! It was right by the beach so after the run we all went for a much needed cooling down - it was so hot! and the running did NOT help..
I met these two girls on the way back home.. Sarah (British) and Lisa (German). They were having trouble with the metro tickets so I helped them and we got talking. They actually have a pretty cool story of how they are friends. They basically met when they were on holiday and stayed in touch. Now, whenever they want to meet up they go on holiday together - so basically they are travel buddies. I just found it pretty fascinating that they decided to keep in touch.
So I met them for a drink (non-alcoholic for me ofcourse) and it turned out to be a pretty good evening. After that I went to see Lucy, Molly and Bianca. It was all great fun!
I also saw Aga and Karol later in the week as per usual. I had dinner with Karol and we stayed up till late and then ended up at the beach to watch dawn. It was absolutely amazing! and pretty chilly actually..
I have exams coming up soon :( and although I am much better at exams than assignments, I just cannot be bothered to study. But really, who can? I always always end up procrastinating. Usually on Youtube. Watching make-up videos. Oops! I do have a feeling though, that these Spanish exams will be much much easier than the Canadian ones. Although, I know I'll find learning some Spanish law pretty hard :/